Friday, March 5, 2010

I found the article in a magazine that I read and I just had to share some info I learned from it. IT is called Jelly Belly? by Chrystle Fiedler

It talks about the fat cells that we have and how they are like sponges. And how there are "three times in our lives that we develop these fat cells, ... in uterus, during childhood at about age 4 or 5 and when you are an adolescent. If you're exposed to a high-fat diet in these stages your body will produce more fat cells. You are training your body to take in more fat and store energy."

This is some great information to know for our children. Yes, we want to give them healthy choices because we love them and want to teach them good healthy eating habits but we also want not to give them those extra fat cells, darn how I hate those fat cells :)

I thought this was really good info and just wanted to pass this on.

1 comment:

  1. Jason just wrote a paper about that in his Strength and Conditioning class. Very interesting!!
