Monday, May 24, 2010


For six days Jason and I had a great opportunity to go to something called Woodbadge. It is a scout leadership training course. We did so much, the days speed bye and when I think about it somethings blend together. I had so much opportunities for growth during those 6 days. I got to do a skit, a song, a project and a flag ceremony in front of over 40 people. Out of 40 students there were 4 girls. So I felt a tad bit out of place in the beginning. The 40 of us were put into patrols of 5 people and those were the ones you got to spend the whole time with. That was interesting, especially if someone in that group doesn't mesh well with others. Jason and his bright ideas challenged all to a polar dip. I wasn't sure if I was going to do it but I have the patch to prove to myself that I did :) Here are some of the pictures from those 6 days.
This is Todd, he is holding the rocket that we made, this was the first one, the one that didn't go off. There is no failing in Woodbadge just trying until you succeed :)

Here is the OWL patrol, this is Jason's patrol :) They thought they were so cool. (they actually were but don't tell him I said so :)

There were students and staff. We were the students and we were thought of as 12-18 year old boys. This was all set around a troop. Just like in boyscouts. So we had dressing up, the staff mostly did that. We even had campfires with skits and songs.

The owl's rocket

This is where we were Camp Parson's. It was beautiful and full of Bald Eagles. It was amazing. They were flying all over, even babies. I couldn't believe it.

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