Friday, August 28, 2009

So what have the Carson's been up to lately: Well let us see. Jason is now officially in dry dock, which means that his sub is out of the water and he will be home, crossing fingers, for the next 2 years. He is now 2 year away from retirement, we think that he is going to be in 6mths past his EOS date, I think that is what the letters are (when he gets out) but it is both good and bad. Good because it will be alittle more retirement and very bad because we thought deployments were over but they may not be. He is a hunt of his own bow since he provided everyone else one but not himself. Me, we are back to school both the boys and myself. As I have said before that is just a little to much school in one day for me. I am taking Philosophy, boy that is intersted. I think, I haven't quite figured it out yet. I am in the middle of canning the abundance of what the Lord has provided us with; apples for apple butter and applesauce, figs, blackberries, jams, cherries. Pretty soon it will be pears and more apples and hopefully some tomotoes for sauces. Jeffrey is keeping busy with school, soccer, scouts, piano and pokemon. Jonah is busy with school, flag football, piano and what ever else interests him that day.
We are also in the middle of trying to find a house. We decided, for now, Washington is where we want to retire so now all we have to do is retire and then find a job. We do love Washington and all that it provides. Well until the next update. Enjoy the pictures.


  1. Retirement! What would that be like :)

  2. Sounds like you guys have been busy. I am getting ready to start Philosophy 120. I haven't gotten into the text yet but hopefully it will make sense to me soon.

  3. Okay, I'm tired just listening to all you are doing. Yikes, you are awesome! Tell Jeffery for Kaleb Hi, and something about bb guns that I'm not sure about. Have a great day, Loves.
