Sunday, November 7, 2010

Tubal Cain

The Carson family got to do a backpacking trip during Jason's leave to Tubal Cain Mine/Tull Canyon. On the hike we went to check out a plane crash, such a sad story. B17 Bomber crashed returning from a rescue mission in Canada, 5 survived and 8 died. Go here if you want to read up on it. Anyway, on a happier note, it was a great time together. All except the sleeping. Jason is very concerned about the weight he carries, the lighter the better, can't blame him there but somethings are better suffering threw. Out of his 100 different tents he has he loves his tarp ten, only a cover and no floor or walls. Since I was really worried about that he brought me a shell to sleep in, of course I got to carry it but well worth it, it was. During the night the darn little mice were crawling on my head and with ever sound I jumped. Not my best night of sleep.

Us at our campsite.
My 3 wonderful boys
The clan.

Here is a picture of the plane crash.

Such a beautiful view.

My Jeffrey

Worn out Jonah

The End

Here Jonah and Jason with their packs. Check out Jonah's pack. His keepy (it is a blanket I got from the Navy Marine Corp Relief Society before he was born. When he was born he wouldn't sleep unless he was snuggling with me. At 2 weeks old I gave him that blanket and I can see it so clearly; he turned to that blanket and went to sleep and has been sleeping with it ever since. He doesn't snuggle with it but still keeps it in his bed. When he got older I wouldn't let him take it out of his bed and ever morning he would ask "keepit" and that is what he still calls it today)


  1. are so brave!! I have chills thinking about the mice.

  2. sounds like it was fun!!!! But you are brave to sleep under a tarp!!!! That had to be gross with the mice.
